Sunday, October 08, 2006

Problems with girlfriends and boyfriends at school

In our society we all face the the assurence of havig a companion. In High school people think that they need someone to literally "hold on to" and love. We do not need this in our high school lives to always be with someone. Your putting yourself in a position to always being on his side and leaving your friends behind. After a hard brake up, girls go through denial and depression and ask the question why? Some people at school go through like 5 different boyfriends to the end of the year. Why would you put yoursef in so much pain and misery to be noticed with another guy? I'm not saying that you shouldn't date; dating is the most crusial part of living and growing to a state of maturity to find your one and only husband in the future. Just understand that you shouldn't give your whole life to someone you know your not going to be with your whole life. Just think about what you are doing to yourself before you form a relationship with someone.


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