Sunday, November 26, 2006

our future

Why is that most parents plan our futures out for us? Like next my mom basically chose all of my classes for me. Where is my dignity and self-choice? In the movie The Poets Society many of the students are forced to do what there parents what them to do in life to be successful. But are they successful? Of course not one of them did kill themsevles because of it. We must all stand up to our parents and do what we want and make our own dicisions. That is the true gift of life to have free agency.

The common enemy

Why do we hold grudges and find some stupid reason to hate someone? Every where we turn we hear some kind of gossip or hateful vibe toward others. Not only are we hurting people around us mentally we are also hurting ourselves physically and mentally. In the movie The Prestige it shows a similar problem between two enemies fighting to win the show of magic tricks. The two men end up hurting themselves by an obsession toward finding out the secrets of ones magic trick. Grudges are and can be the common enemy to all of us. So we must all watch ourselves and stay away from it.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why is talking to guys so difficult?

"Hey, whats up?"
"Aaaa, nnotthhing."
That is an example of me talking to guys like everyday. For some reason I can't even say one sentence with out feeling embarrass for stuttering my words or switching letters in some words. I get so scared and weird when I talk to boys. Is it hormones or just stage fright? I think it is a little bit of both. In very many situations I see myself frightened to talk to a guy I like. It is so annoying; I guess thats how life is. Everyone has their ruff spots here and there, but we or I must never fall to the state of being afraid of men. It will only leave you to self-pity, so never give up on taking to guys no matter how weird you sound or speak.

Our texting world

We have a major problem in school and other situations: texting. Why is texting such a problem and how is it affecting teenage life? I know when people text they are mostly talking about something important, but what can be more important than listening to your teacher teaching you. Whats the point of coming to school then if you are not paying attention to the teacher? People are spending a lot of money on texting just to say "Hey, whats up?" Why are we so dependent on this object that you can't wait until your class is over to talk to your friends? We need to settle this problem once and for all.
In most of my classes I see students waiting for just one pause or moment to text to their freinds. It so annoying, it's like they are addicted to texting once you start you can not stop. Sometimes I imagine myself taking someones phone and chucking it across the room and see them dive for it, or me. I try to think of a reason why texting is a good think, but I can't think of one. If you want to talk to your friends just call them on your phone, thats why you have a freaken cell phone.
In class, texting not only interupts the teacher and the whole class, but it takes you away from learning and not feeling stupid when the teacher takes your phones away from you. Texting takes everyone away from the spirit of learning, so just switch it off now before you are tempted again.