Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is fashion shaping our world?

As I watch TV I see all of the many of the commercial ads based on the "new" fashions. All I see is pale, sickly looking stick figure models. When young girls or boys look at these models they think as if they should be as skinny as them. At school girls constantly remark, "Oh, I'm so fat," and they don't even look fat. People are comparing themselves to the models and killing themselves to look just like them by starvation. Because of the models, people have developed eating disorders and become depressed. This is hurting us and the people through out the world. I say fashion is a way to lower self-esteem and self-awareness. We just need to believe in ourselves and not what a billboard says. It is always important to be health and stay healthy, and forcing ourselves to be skinny is not healthy. Don't compare ourselves to models; they are what make the World look despicable, disgusting and unhealthy.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

No one mourns the Wicked

Last year as I was sitting with my friends they all stare singing these fun songs that I've never heard of before. I kind of felt left out and noticed that everyone I talk to knows about this new Broadway musical called “Wicked”. I soon realized that, that was where the songs were from, so I had to get the sound track. When I got it for my 16th birthday I was so excited to listen to it. As I was listening I felt like I was there watching the performance felling the music as it went. Soon after I memorized all of the songs and was now in the group who knows about wicked and sings the songs. So now I ask why is the Broadway show “Wicked” so popular? For one thing it is a great Broadway performance and has wonderful music, but it means so much more than that. This “Wicked” faze has spread all over America and Europe. I think that it is so well-liked because it is the most modern Broadway and it is an extended story of a tale we all so liked and still like, "The Wizard of Oz". “Wicked” has such a touching and heart braking story for all ages to enjoy. It talks about the wicked witch and her life before she turned wicked. Just thinking about it makes me melt right off my seat. The mus ic plays suck an important role to the story and adds such a beautiful and heart warming touch . I love Wicked, listening to its music and determining the different characters thoughts and feelings towards one another and their conflicts. Ya “Wicked”!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Why do I like the televisions show, Lost? Well, ever since my brother's girlfriend got him hooked I started watching a little bit with them then I got hooked. I've seen ever single episode, well you have to know what is happening that you don’t get confused. When I watched the first episode of Lost I was like, "Wow this show is good." So I got enthusiastic right form the start. This TV show is jam packed with adventure, drama, mystery and thrill. Lost is also a great show because it shows how the different people's lives and experiences are some how connected with each other and the island. Once you've stared Lost is hard to let go and stop watching it, it is way addicting. "Don't tell me what a can and can't do," an excellent line from Lost that I use all the time. ;)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Racism at School

In school I have noticed many racial controversies. As I walk down the hallways of Mountain View I see groups of Mexicans associating just with each other; when ever I walk past them I feel uncomfortable and a little scared. Why do I feel this way? And how can we change these racial thoughts? It is hard to become friends with people who speak a different language and live a very different life than you. I think that I feel so uncomfortable around them is because we are so different and don’t understand each other and are too afraid to associate each other. Just today I was eating lunch at this table in the commons with my friend, Sarah, when all of a sudden all these Mexican girls came and sat at our table. It was weird for me, it felt really awkward. At that point I realized, “how can I get along with them when I feel so uncomfortable around them?” As I still sat there a white girl I knew from choir came and sat with the Mexican’s. It amazed me that she was friends with all of these Mexican’s who speak Spanish to each other and she doesn’t feel awkward at all. You might think, "Oh your a racist," I'm not one of those appalling, stay away from me or I’ll kill you racists I just have prejudice thoughts at times. It will take time to get these thoughts out of my head, but I've decided the only way to not feel this way is to become friends with them. When my brother, Kevin, was in High School he was very prejudice, saying racist jokes and rude things about Mexican’s. But then in his senior year he became friends with Mexicans and it totally changed his racial standards around Mexicans. I feel that I can try to do the same thing. My brother and that girl helped me to see and gave me hope that I can be friends with anyone black, white, and/or Mexican, I just have to try to talk to them and to be nicer to them.