Sunday, September 24, 2006


Why are people so mixed up in their greed?

In this day of age people all aroud us are so distracted by their greed and wealth that they hardly notice people who have no posperity. Our community, to a large extent think that they need more money and valuables than they already have. I admit sometimes I wish I could have more cloths and popular items. Once I get those items I start to notice how others wish to have the same thing but don't have the money. I wish that we all could just put down our greed and help others who don't have a proper home or other items that are needed for them. So please stop thinking of yourselves and go out there and serve and help those in need.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Why do people dye their hair so much?

In school we see so many people changing their hair color or hair style monthly. Still after they have tourchered their hair with all the different hair products the students still complain that their hair is still not good enough. I think it is stupid in the first place to dye your hair a different color because you have to redye it after like 2 or 3 months, which completely messes up your hair.
The reason why student's dye their hair,mostly, is because it is what is in style (the cool thing). I think thats a load of crap because most people, after dyeing their hair, it makes them look horrible like their not the same person anymore. Last year I was on the Softmore Volleyball team with this girl who was a very kind and caring person, but now she has totally changed. She cut her hair so short and has dyed it so many times. This girl is a totally different person now; i don't know what has changed her but her hair, she has turned into a punk kid.
By dyeing your hair not only hurts your friends and people around you, but also hurts your hair and yourself. When putting all sorts of cemicals and hair products in your hair ruins your hair so much; your hair will get so dry and it will never be the same after dyeing it. When people deside to dye or get highlights in their hair they get so excited because there going to get rid of their boring old hair color. But after they dyed or highlighted their hair they dont really like it because it wasn't what they "really wanted". People around them think their hair is so cute, but really they are jelious because they wish they could die their hair or they are glad their hair doesn't look like that. I think it is better for everyone to not dye their hair in the first place because it makes them look wierd and different.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Why do people say the stupidest things on the radio station, my99.5?

When I turn on the radio station I expect great music and no weird and annoying DJs to pass by my music listening. My99.5 was a great radio station. It had no DJs and shorter amount of commercials, but now my99.5 allows people to record messages and air them on the station. That was a big mistake. These people say the stupidest things on the radio station now. Sorry but no one cares that your boyfriend broke up with you and that you want revenge and also no one wants to here your stupid analogies. What is more annoying is that my99.5 has little noises and doodads to what the people are saying. The people in our community even have their children talk on the station. What is this world coming to. No offense, but I would rather listen to a DJ than stupid and wacky people talking about dim-witted issues.