Sunday, January 07, 2007

Why is change so hard?

Everyday we have beheld many changes through our lives, but many are hard to over come than others. This past year I made the decision to take Honors English for the first time. It is a hard class; you have to work hard and participate in ever class period. This change for me was hard because I was now in a class with smart and experienced students. I felt obligated and I lowered my self-confidence telling myself that I am no good. You see how this change has transformed me. Why is that? Change can always be a life changing experience like when a love one dies or when you win a thousand dollars. These changes can transform us for the better or the worse by the way that we think or act. Change is so hard to over come because we are so use to our normal routine and having such a drastic change confuses us to wonder if the change truly happened. Change alters our thinking of what is real or unreal. Like you might grow and learn by the change or you light become psychotic. We all dream of a perfect world with no conflicts or changes. With a drastic change we feel unreal to society because you are different and not sure who you are in your heart. Change is a hard thing to over come, but it happens to everyone, no one is perfect through there decisions or thoughts. We have to change in order to grow and become great people in this world.


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