Saturday, February 24, 2007

English Papers

In every English class we have to write essays, that’s why it’s an English class. Well sometimes some of us find it hard to think of what to write or how to put our thoughts down on paper. Why do we find it so difficult to gather our thoughts and write? This has happened to me in so many occasions. In one instance our class had to write informative papers and I had the hardest time figuring out what to write and how to make it sound inelegant as possible. I sat down at my computer literally staring at the screen for about an hour not know how to explain my paper and how to tie it all in as one. My paper wasn't the best thing I write, but I just had to concentrate and try to understand and have the knowledge of what I was writing about. In many other cases I feel that we most often can’t think of what to say is because our minds are drawn some where else and not feeling the trueness of the topic, not fully understanding what you are writing about. It helps a lot to spend more time researching or expanding more on your papers to know how/what exactly to place on your paper.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Got Mail?!

I love emails they are great way to talk to your buddies but can emails get a bit extreme? One day, on a sunny day, I sit in front of my computer and read some emails. One email writes about a cute love-friendship story, then at the end it says, "Because you opened this, you will get kissed on Friday by the love of your life.... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! Your crush will ask you out. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by at least 12:00 tonight, you will have bad luck in your love life for the rest of your life." Why do they do that, persuading us that the curse will really happen? It is stupid and inconsiderate I think it just ruins the whole email for the reader. Who ever started the email, I suppose, just wanted the story to spread faster, but if you get an email like this why wouldn't you send it; it was such a cute Valentines Day story. Emails like that are just lame and makes you feel desperate or guilty not sending the email, sometimes. It is a freedom of choice if we want to forward the message or not. It is just rude to have to force us to send something we sometimes feel we do not want to. So live it up, use your agency and do what ever you want and do not believe what everybody says in random emails.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

boys inner or is it outer wear

In my past life styles of all sorts have come and go and one style that I wish would go is low jeans. Through out the country it is, I suppose, "cool" for boys to wear pants below their butts. That is just absurd I can't believe we as Americans would dress in such a bizarre and awful way. It does not attract girls and no one wants to see a boy waddling around with their pants falling off of them and flashing their boxer shorts for everyone to see. It is in human it is ridiculous to gaze at a young man struggling to keep his pants from falling to the ground. Why are they doing this, putting them in a position of embarrassment? In the 1950's men wore, in such a ridiculous way, their pants up past their belly button. Oh how fashions have changed. It seems that every century pants have gone down lower and lower and now today pants are worn all the way past men’s butts. This trend is a way for boys to feel cool and like a gangster. Boys who wear their pants past their butts think that it makes them tough and the boss (gangster in other words). Men want to be in the mainstream, being like the rap bands on MTV or hard core thug. Do you think that, lets say, in the near future our men will be walking around with their pants down all the way to their feet dragging on the floor? Is that how we are going to end up as idiots walking down the streets not having a care in the world? I most defiantly hope not.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Why do I like reading more in the summer than during school?

Usually at the beginning of the summer I pick out certain books to read; I read at least four or five books every summer. But then once school starts I try to stay away from books as much as I can. I think this is because during the summer I am free to read what I want, when I want to read and read the book for how ever long I want to. In school we are practically forced to read everyday or a certain amount of pages a semester. I hate that feeling, the feeling of being compelled to do something you loved to do. It is weird to think that I liked to read, but yet I don't read as much or enjoy reading during the school year. The thing is that sometimes it is hard to find time to read or even a desire to read right after school, where we've been reading all day. It is hard to find the yearning to pick up a book and waste the rest of your day that has already mostly been spent on school reading other things.

Why are people so different?

As we walk down the hallways of Mountain View High School, don't you ever look at some of the people passing you and wonder what makes them so different than me. Are we so different because of genetics or how we are raised in different environments? Well, it’s a combination of both. In my family we are all different, but yet we grew up with the same influences and same environment. But in some cases I have noticed that when I ask someone what they think of a certain situation in life they have the same answer as me. I don't find too big difference in most people, aside for individuality, and distinctive looks I believe we all are more alike than the differences, but it is our differences that determine an individuals identity, and ones different features that give our recognition to others, such, as our face. Keep on being yourselves, it's what gives all lives that you for them, and that they for you.