Sunday, February 11, 2007

boys inner or is it outer wear

In my past life styles of all sorts have come and go and one style that I wish would go is low jeans. Through out the country it is, I suppose, "cool" for boys to wear pants below their butts. That is just absurd I can't believe we as Americans would dress in such a bizarre and awful way. It does not attract girls and no one wants to see a boy waddling around with their pants falling off of them and flashing their boxer shorts for everyone to see. It is in human it is ridiculous to gaze at a young man struggling to keep his pants from falling to the ground. Why are they doing this, putting them in a position of embarrassment? In the 1950's men wore, in such a ridiculous way, their pants up past their belly button. Oh how fashions have changed. It seems that every century pants have gone down lower and lower and now today pants are worn all the way past men’s butts. This trend is a way for boys to feel cool and like a gangster. Boys who wear their pants past their butts think that it makes them tough and the boss (gangster in other words). Men want to be in the mainstream, being like the rap bands on MTV or hard core thug. Do you think that, lets say, in the near future our men will be walking around with their pants down all the way to their feet dragging on the floor? Is that how we are going to end up as idiots walking down the streets not having a care in the world? I most defiantly hope not.


Blogger Emmyann said...

Oh dear! That is a VERY frightening thought! If only boys could read your last couple sentences, I think they would laugh at themselves and then staple their belt-loops to their boxers. lol Unfortunately, guys these days have a limited imagination. Therefore the girls are going to have to stand and laugh their lungs out as the boys waddle around looking back in utter confusion. hehe I Love this blog!

5:47 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

You have described some important issues about clothing for youngsters by doing that you have solved some main issues about boys clothes .i regard you for that writing.

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2:01 AM


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