Saturday, February 17, 2007

Got Mail?!

I love emails they are great way to talk to your buddies but can emails get a bit extreme? One day, on a sunny day, I sit in front of my computer and read some emails. One email writes about a cute love-friendship story, then at the end it says, "Because you opened this, you will get kissed on Friday by the love of your life.... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! Your crush will ask you out. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by at least 12:00 tonight, you will have bad luck in your love life for the rest of your life." Why do they do that, persuading us that the curse will really happen? It is stupid and inconsiderate I think it just ruins the whole email for the reader. Who ever started the email, I suppose, just wanted the story to spread faster, but if you get an email like this why wouldn't you send it; it was such a cute Valentines Day story. Emails like that are just lame and makes you feel desperate or guilty not sending the email, sometimes. It is a freedom of choice if we want to forward the message or not. It is just rude to have to force us to send something we sometimes feel we do not want to. So live it up, use your agency and do what ever you want and do not believe what everybody says in random emails.


Blogger Emmyann said...

Haha! I LOVE that Valentine's email! Both you and Andrew L. sent it to me, and I have fallen in love with it. I did what it said and sent it to other people right away. And, well, according to my callender, yesterday was Friday and I didn't kissed! How rude! Anyway, way cute! Love your blog and love you!

8:16 PM


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